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Asian Wave Alliance to New York City Council: Don’t Override Mayor Adam’s Veto on Int. 586 “Stop Act”

January 23, 2024 (New York, NY) — Asian Wave Alliance applauds Mayor Adams’ veto of Bill Intro. 586 “How Many Stops Act”, on Friday January 19. The Mayor heard the opposition from common sense New Yorkers from all communities including those in the Asian community that this law would make our city less safe.

Sponsored by self-proclaimed racial justice progressive Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, this bill mandates police officers to document even Level 1 interactions with the public including if someone has seen a missing child or which direction a shoplifter ran after stealing from a store. To divert limited law enforcement resources we have to filing more reports not only takes away time from responding to 911 calls, patrolling our streets but may have the unintended effect of fewer engagements with the public to solve crimes.

Many council members, especially those who represent Asian districts, take public safety seriously as crime remains the top concern of their constituents. They should see Int 586 as burdensome and unnecessary, the interaction data collected as useless, and the intended goal to neutralize law enforcement. “Now that the “Defund the Police” rhetoric is toxic, Jumaane Williams and the progressives on the Council push bills that aim to waste our precious policing resources with the Stop Act. I hope moderate Democrats elected by our Asian communities will stand up for their constituents and not just “go along to get along”, said Yiatin Chu, President of Asian Wave Alliance.

Mayor Adams did the right thing with his veto of Int 586. Asian Wave Alliance urges City Council Members to uphold the veto and not override the will of concerned New Yorkers.


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