For Immediate Release: September 22, 2022

(New York, NY) Asian Wave Alliance is proud to be involved with the redistricting process since the very first public meeting at Pace University. The maps formally shared today include significant changes to south Brooklyn. While we are pleased to see that the Districting Commission kept the new Asian-majority district in the revised map, it now divides the 8th Avenue Chinese corridor in Sunset Park. The Districting Commission voted down the map today (8 No / 7 Yes), citing various reasons. The Commission will reconvene to revise the map in hopes of passing one to send to the City Council in the near future.
Thousands in our Brooklyn community submitted testimonies to the Commission to express their gratitude and support of the new district released on July 15. While the district lines we saw today have shifted to respond to input from neighboring districts, we understand the complexity in creating a map that addresses all concerns. As the Commission continues towards finalizing the City Council districts for the next ten years, we remain committed to representing the Asian community’s true voice in the process.
With an Asian majority in D43, we strongly believe we will have the best opportunity of electing and holding electeds to serve and be accountable to the priorities of the local Chinese community and the Asian community at large.
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Media Coverage
Read the full articleon Epoch Times:
Read the full article on World Journal: